Sunday, February 27, 2011

Incorrect use of spanglish.

I understand that this country is filled with many cultures and languages, and spanish seems to be the “it” language at this moment, what can I say, latin is in right now.

Spanglish is very common in my world, at work I communicate with people in both spanish and english on a daily basis and so do several of my coworkers, so it is hard to stay away from mixing and matching the words when the transition needs to be made fast. I understand it. Really, I get it. I even use it to accentuate some ideas in a joking manner.

Still, although it is cool -even funny- to use it in an informal way, it can sound pretty stupid in some cases, especially when this is spread to mass communication media by a) bad actors or 2) pointless situations. Shows and movies now use it to, I suppose, show a point? Make it sound cool? Don't know.

Maybe it's me, but some scenes in which spanglish is used sound like nails on a chakboard in my head. My own fault for watching cheesy stuff? Totally, I give you that, but something needs to be said.

Example 1, New Moon (what can I say, the books were good, I had to watch the movie) -Jacob/Bella scene at Jacob's place, Jacob responsds to Bella's greeting with “Hello Loca”. Really? Where in the book was that? What was the point? Super cheesy.

Example 2, Off the map (also cheesy, but Zach Gilford is in it) -Doctor with an accent played by Valerie Cruz, the one who dated black doctor for about half of an episode (average dating time on these type of medical shows). She uses “Loca” and “Madre” quite often, it doesn't sound natural, it just doesn't work.

So here is a note for directors, actors, script writters: when spanglish is not well integrated or abused on a scene, it does not make your show better, it makes it cheesy. We, spanish speaking people, can realize how dumb it actually sounds. At this point, Dora, as in “the explorer” is the one using it in the best way.

I got it off my chest. I swear I will come back with something more substantial next time.

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