Sunday, February 12, 2012

Happy First Birthday!

It's been one year already. Happy birthday, Blog.

I have a good excuse for the abandonment of the last months: pregnancy. I know, why haven't I written more about this quite important journey? simple -I have had a very challenging 7 months, with lots of pregnancy symptoms that made any activity on the social scene impossible. Here I am though, at 31 weeks, waiting for the big day and ready to summarize last summer, fall, and, of course, our ongoing winter.

Where did we leave at? Oh yes, Bora Bora. After our wonderful summer-opening trip we had a couple more adventures that sponsored great memories and laughs.

Although it was difficult to convince my other half to jump out of a plane with me, we finally did it. We went skydiving on what was probably the hottest day last summer; this made landing very uncomfortable due to the drastic change of temperature we experienced from the jump at 10,000 ft. and subsequent parachute-opening at 5,000 ft. right after just a few seconds. Temperature aside, it was great, it was nerve racking, specially the duct tape-patched airplane (oh yes, I am not exaggerating!), but all and all a cool experience.

Another summer activity (also courtesy of groupon impulses) was the zipline tour in New Florence, MO. No adrenaline rush on this one, but fun times. By the way, both, skydivig and zipline tour, were performed with my baby on his/hers first stages since the memorable nausea had not started yet to inform me of the new happenings in my body.

Then is when the whole maternity started kicking. I have learned that morning sickness is not an appropriate term when no food or water can go down your throat at all, no matter what time of the day, and also that morning sickness doesn't necessarily end after 12 weeks as this was my reality for over 6 months of pregnancy -by far, the hardest thing I have ever gone through, but also the best.

Our fall was full of monthly check-ups with the doctor and lots of laying down on the couch while watching FRIENDS. I cant say the same for Mr. Mather though, my poor husband had a fall with a full-time job, full-time school, and full-time wife, and he took it all like a champ.

We spent Christmas and new years in Ecuador where we had the chance to visit family and friends; spent a week at the beach; and start the baby shower celebrations. As always, it was hard to come back.

January was the month to catch up with everything and restart the stomach engine as I am finally able to eat some food. And here is February, almost two weeks in already. We are busy visiting childcare options, pediatricians, and working in the baby's room. By the way, no pink or blue themes, we are waiting for the big surprise at the end of the journey.

Lots of wonderful things happening to the Mathers. Baby is almost here!

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