Sunday, February 27, 2011

Incorrect use of spanglish.

I understand that this country is filled with many cultures and languages, and spanish seems to be the “it” language at this moment, what can I say, latin is in right now.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Things to think about (and work on).

The coming 16 months look pretty challenging these days. Chris' (that's my husband) decision to go back to school will bring a lot of changes to the way life runs at the moment. By August next year, he will be going to school full time which means that his full time job -and salary- will be out of the picture for a while.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Beginning

Time does not change us. It just unfolds us. 
Max Frisch

Seasons. This is something I didn't fully understand until a few years ago when I came to live in the US. I grew up in a city (wonderful city, I must say) where extreme temperatures don't exist; life there is better described as linear rather than cyclic. Cycles make me think of re-starting points.